Saturday, January 29, 2011

Next Jam February 7th

It's another one of those confusing fifth Monday months! Confusing because it feels like it should be a uke jam Monday, since there wasn't one last Monday. However, since uke jam officially happens on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month, there will not be one this Monday, January 31st. We will meet again on the 1st Monday. Enjoy your extra free Monday and maybe find some new songs to bring to play!


rad3 said...

Hi Marilee,
Are you still giving lessons

rhiggie said...

Hello, I'm new to ukulele and am looking for a local group. Is this one still active?

RickH Rick (

marilee said...

Yes, we're still active! Our next jam is this coming Monday, June 6th. Come join us!