Friday, September 21, 2007

Radio stardom...

This from our resident Baritone player Brian Lewis:

"Plan B," my latest musical collaboration, will be performing on Saturday, September 22 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) on WCOM, the community radio station in Carrboro, North Carolina. You can listen via the Web at

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(from left to right):

Michael Goy ...................... guitar and vocals
Kent Rossman ................... bass
Alyson Scoltock ................. harmonica and vocals
Brian Lewis ........................ guitar, mandolin, accordion, and vocals

Hope you can listen in!


What, no ukulele? For shame Brian!:-)



Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New Ukes at High Strung...

The Kiwayas are here! The Kiwayas are here!

Just out of their boxes! Several models to choose from including the concert sized "Rock Ukes" which look like a Gibson Les Paul and a Fender Telecaster (Awesome!). There was also an acoustic standard and a pineapple standard that have great projection and sound pretty sweet. In addition to these, a few Kanile'a ukes are now winging their way across the country to High Strung. These Hawaiian ukes are great players and look stunning. So, if you are in the market for a new axe, check 'em out!



Sunday, September 16, 2007

Thanks for a great workshop!!!

Thanks to all those who attended the Kent Knorr workshop at High Strung this weekend! Hopefully, this is just the first in a long series of uke workshops in Durham. Hey, and big thanks to Kent! His preparation, attitude and pacing of the class were tremendous! How often do you get a spiral bound notebook with all the material from the workshop in it? Answer: Never! Kent: you rock!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Next Meeting...

Monday, September 17th. High Strung Violins and Guitars. Broad Street Durham. 7-9pm. See you there!


Monday, September 10, 2007

Ukulele workshop in Durham this Sunday!!!

Hey All,

Kent Knorr from Aloha U is going to be at High Strung this coming Sunday, Sept 16 from 1-3pm to do an intermediate ukulele workshop. He is going to talk about chord melody, strumming, and picking patterns. Kent runs his own Ukulele school in Wilmington called Aloha U and is a terrific player, so come join us. Cost is a bargain at $20. We can jam afterward if we want to.

