Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Next Meeting...

There will be no Uke Jam on Wednesday July 4th. We will resume with the normal schedule on July 18th.


Practice songs...

Hey Y'all,

The songs you should be practicing for our Jazz/Retirement home set are:

Sunny Side of the Street
All of Me
Slow Boat to China
I Can't Get Started
I'm beginning to See the Light
Blue Skies
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Tonight, You belong to Me

I feel we need at least 3 more to have a viable set.
Just off the top of my head...

Pennies From Heaven
You'd be so nice to come home to
Paper Moon



Monday, June 18, 2007

Next Meeting...

The next meeting of the Durham Ukulele Group will be at High Strung on Ninth Street in Durham on Wednesday June 20th at 7pm. 7-8 Beginners welcome. 8-9 Intermediate (working on our set list of jazz standards). Please come!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dream a Little Dream

Hey Y'all.

I was thinking of other songs and I really like Dream a Little Dream of Me, so I quick made up a PDF of an arrangement I have. Take a look.

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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Play Along MP3s

Hey Y'all,

Thought you might like to have a uke reference for a couple of the tunes we're working on. In the nav bar on the right under "play along mp3" I've uploaded some recordings of me playing the tunes so you can strum along. I'm also working on PDFs for all the tunes. Enjoy.
